Wednesday, August 27, 2014

4 Important Cosplay Tips For Beginners & Experts

     So cosplaying has slowly started to become more and more popular every year. What with new and exciting video games, movies, and television shows being release all the time it's hard to resist the urge to cosplay with others. What could be more fun than dressing up as your favorite character from a series and hangout with other people doing the same? Personally, I started cosplaying because my favorite holiday is Halloween and the thought of dressing up all year round was very tempting. Then as I started doing it more I found that I had a talent for it and it became a new hobby that I really enjoy.
     While I was a beginner I picked up on a few things very quickly that helped my cosplaying experience. Some of the things I learned on my own, and some I learned by observing others. So whether you're a beginner who really wants to start cosplaying, or an experienced cosplayer who has a room in your house dedicated to your costumes, these tips will be sure to help you and make cons even more fun.


     I cannot stress enough how important this first tip is. I've witnessed a lot of talented and energetic cosplayers just beat themselves down because they saw another person dressed as the same character at a con and they supposedly looked better than them. I'm here to tell you that you need to stop that immediately. If you are constantly comparing yourself to other people then you will always be disappointed in life. There will always be people who are more talented and put more time into their work than you, guaranteed.
     Instead of comparing yourself to them you should just focus on you. How can you improve YOUR cosplay? How do YOU think you look? Cosplaying requires confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you doubt yourself because some person put one hundred hours and a thousand dollars into their cosplay then you're going to let yourself down. Just do what you can and know it's the best you can do.
     This also applies to the experienced cosplayers as well. Stop comparing yourself to other people and thinking your cosplay is superior and that the other person should give up because they aren't as good looking as you. That kind of attitude can also diminish your con experience and can really affect other people very negatively. Just focus on you, and have a good time in your well designed cosplay.


     When you are making a cosplay it is important to remember that not everything has to be perfect to the last detail. It's okay to make simple outfits and just have fun in them. I knew a girl that would throw away her beautiful outfits that she made because they weren't perfect and she thought she would be judged for it by people (See Tip 1 on how to deal with this).
     Making a cosplay takes time and in most cases money. The easiest way to save on both is to not sweat the small stuff. Creating and putting together your cosplay should be as fun as wearing it with friends. Stuff will pop off, come undone, peal apart, and makeup will fade. This is all inevitable. I know it sounds like a tall order, but just let them fall apart. If you just enjoy yourself and not worry so much about the cosplay itself then you'll have more fun in the long run. Plus you get to put the cosplay back together later!


     Holy crap, please don't wait until the night before to make an entire cosplay. You will stress yourself out beyond belief and potentially get very upset. I know procrastination is almost as popular as cosplay itself, but you cannot pull it off. If you treat an elaborate cosplay attempt like an essay for English class you will be disappointed.
     And I know there are some of you out there reading this who are saying "But Otaku Anonymous I've done this lots of times and pulled it off. So you're a poop head for saying I can't". Obviously you're an exemption to this and I envy your skills. But to the people who are just starting out I would strongly advise against it. As glue takes time to dry, so do cosplay take time to prepare.
     Even if your cosplay is simple I would say it's best to give yourself a minimum of a three week window for completion. It's okay to add some minor details and additions to your cosplay before you go to the con, but putting everything together is always a bad idea.

Number 4: HAVE FUN!!!

     This might be the most important tip I can possibly give you on this subject. Always remember to have fun! I've been to many cons in the past and at every single one I have been around people who just look and act miserable. Cons and cosplaying were meant entirely for fans and fun. You could have the best cosplay in the world, and be at the most exciting and highest grossing convention on the planet. If you aren't having fun then it's all a giant waist. So short and sweet, have fun you goofs!
     Cosplayers are some of the most fun and entertaining people I have ever met in my life. They are energetic, funny, and very accepting people. You'll always meet some very pretentious and aggravating ones, but for the most part they are pretty great people. It's no wonder cosplaying has taken off the way it has recently. I would guess that is a lot of thanks to the devout followers who go to cons all over the country. So if you're thinking of joining this fun group of outlaws these tips will help you quite a bit. Thanks for reading and remember to have fun! :D

-Otaku Anonymous

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